Födelsedagspresenten var en elsparkcykel (scooter) och önskemålet för korttema var just det.
Fick engullig bild på födelsedagsbarnet åkandes på den.
Birthday present was a electric kick scooter so the request for card theme was that.
Fick engullig bild på födelsedagsbarnet åkandes på den.
Birthday present was a electric kick scooter so the request for card theme was that.
Got a cute photo with the birthday boy riding on it.
Kortbas 21cm * 10cm CS "Salt Sea".
Tre paneler 20,5cm * 9,5cm CS "Fire Hearts" båda från Reprint.
Card base 21cm * 10cm CS "Salt Sea".
Three Panels 20,5cm * 9,5cm CS "Fire Hearts" both from Paper Accents.
En panel 20cm *9cm DP Junior "Up, up and away" från American Crafts.
One panel 20cm * 9cm DP Junior "Up, up and away" from American Crafts.
Ritade först pojken på sin elsparkcykel.
Drew first the boy on his electric kick scooter.
1. Hår och hud / Hair and skinn
2. Sparkscykel / Scooter
3. Kläder/ clothes
Färglade bakgrunden innan utskärning.
Coloured the background before cutting out.
Sen gjorde jag ordet VROOOOM till framsidan.
Skar ut med skalpell.
Then I made the word VROOOOM for the front.
Cut it out with scalpel.
Then färdiga insidan. Text handskriven av mig.
The finished inside. Text handwritten by me.
Made the eight - like a race track.
The edges distressed on DP panel on the front and the text panel inside.
Beep beep / K